I have created a custom field called Warrenty with the drop-down list in “Item” doctype. While creating quotation the Warrenty value is not fetching automatically even-though I have written a client side custom script as below in “Quotation Item” also tried in “Quotation”:
What version are you on.
I created a custom field Warrenty field in Item of type Select with 3 options.
I created a custom field Warrenty in Quotation Item of the same type and with the same options.
I added no code and when I select an option in Item and save it. The quotation shows the selected value when I select this item…
One more thing. Actually in Quotation that doctypes/line Items (warranty) should be fetched from Item doctype. We should not select warrenty again and again. It should automatically fetch from Warranty filed which is in doctype “Item”.
I’m on the same version and in my case warrenty is automatically filled from item, i don’t have to reselect it. I just created 2 custom fields in each doctype with same name and it automatically links without code.
Sorry in my case this is working. I’m running out of ideas.Just to be sure let us recap:
you defined the custom field both in item and quotation item (type select)
2 you put a value in this new field in the item screen
3 you have added the line (cur_frm.add_fetch(‘item_code’,‘warrenty’,‘warrenty’) in the script of quotation
When all this is done you do a reload from here
@Rudi_Meylemans I have done with the steps which you told. If I done that it shows as in the screenshot. in this case I need to select the warenty period once I added the product.
You could even make the field on quotation item as read only. Leave the type select on the item. Remove the line from quotation script. And now it works.