Unable to find customer in portal

Inside the helpdesk there is a customer option for referance find the screenshot

but outside the portal there is no name like customer can i know where it will be in search if i type customer there is HD customer name but if i check roles and permission their i couldn’t able to find for referance find screenshot

Can anyone assist me

You can search for “HD Customer” using the search bar. I think “HD Customer” is not added to the workspace, which sometimes causes confusion for users. By default, on the desk (not the portal side), both the system manager and agent have access to “HD Customer.”

Yes using search in desk I can able to find HD customer but when roles and permission I can’t able to see hd customer in their for reference find the screenshot

Please check it.

Actually whats the issue as you shared like i can able to get HD customer in doctype

but in roles if i search the customer i couldn’t able to see

If you install the erpnext then the Customer role appears but if install helpdesk then you have to manually create a customer role for that.

Okay thanks for the update but in helpdesk portal i can able to see default the customer name find the screenshot but when i check in roles and permission in role i cant able to see customer name