Unable to move beyond startup splash screen on Safari

Hi Guys,

On a mac (2009) with El Capitain, using Safari, I am unable to move beyond the initial splash “E” screen.

Erpnext Version 8.03

On my other Mac with Sierra there are no problems.

Debugger output shown below.


PS. Great work on Version 8 !!

desk:8Viewport argument key “minimal-ui” not recognized and ignored.
desk.min.js:534SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘>’
(anonymous function) — desk.min.js:534
list.min.js:206SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘>’
(anonymous function) — list.min.js:206
global code — form.min.js:1TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘frappe.templates’)
global code — form.min.js:1
global code — report.min.js:1TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘frappe.views.Factory’)
global code — report.min.js:1
global code — erpnext.min.js:1TypeError: frappe.provide is not a function. (In ‘frappe.provide(‘erpnext’)’, ‘frappe.provide’ is undefined)
global code — erpnext.min.js:1
http://www.universalresourcetrading.com/assets/css/awesomplete.css.mapFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
http://www.universalresourcetrading.com/assets/js/awesomplete.min.js.mapFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

@bglazier could be an issue with older Safari browsers. We have started using some of the newest JS features that result in much better code.

@netchampfaris we should put a validation for older browsers and show a message.

I will create an issue for this.

also facing stuck on erpnext logo while logging into old version of erpnext ios app (ipad2 ios7 )

@rmehta, thanks. Yes , seems to be a browser problem. For time being, installed Chrome on that machine and it works fine.



The same error happens with IE