Hello. Want to ask, how can we remove the unclaimed employee advances in ERPnext if the expense claim related to the cash advance doesn’t use the full amount?
For example, I tried making an employee advance worth 5,000 and paying the same amount using the payment entry function. This is working perfectly. I tried using the expense claim but I only sanctioned 4,500 worth of expenses to test it out. I have 500 leftover and I noticed that I see no option to have it returned to my cash/bank account. So, I did the following:
- Make another expense claim to claim the remaining amount. This works because the remaining advance amount is used up and removes the “advances to employees” account balance and you can have the remaining expense claim paid, but if the employee doesn’t get another expense claim for a very long time, then company balances will include that figure, which is inaccurate. We require our employees to return the excess advances.
- Create journal entry. This fixes the account balance but then you still have the employee advance unclaimed amount when you create a new expense claim which creates problems.
- Try to create an expense claim type that directs it to a cash account. This doesn’t work for obvious reasons.
Either way, is there a way to return/remove/detach the excess cash advance to the particular employee so that it will go back to company? I’ve read a few topics but I didn’t really see the solution aside from the imprest accounts that might not suit our situation.
Thanks for the help.