I want to achieve something like a transaction number for an entire order.
For example when i have created a sales order, a delivery note and a sales invoice i want to link the unique number to any of these doctypes so if i search for this number i get to see all the doctypes tha have been create to this number.
So what i need is a unique number which gets created when i start withe either a quotation or sales order and then get fetched by the other doctypes.
The fetching from the doctype is not the problem. I just cant find a working way to generate a unique id either in the quotation or the sale order.
The tricky part form me right now is, what do i do if i start with a quotation!?
I want to find a way to generate a sequential number which can either way be generated by the quotation or the sales order.
If i use the sales order number i will not get a sequential number if i generate a quotation!