Hi, how I can update some doc using hooks? I have create a custom field on Salary Slip, and I want to fill that field using doc_events on hook.
I already tried
doc_events = {
"Salary Slip": {
"before_save": "attendance_manager.salary_slip.before_save"
and the method is
def before_save(doc, method):
doc.custom_field = "value"
but it not working
I already tried with on_update event and call doc.save() but it ended infinity loop
any suggestion?
I found the solution. I need to return the doc.
def before_save(doc, method):
doc.custom_field = "value"
return doc
and I use before_validate instead of before_save
Can you tell me what is the value
that you send to salary slip field
because I want to get total absent days for employee from attendance table to salary slip