User access to specific Tasks

In erpnext, Tasks are showing to all users irrespective of the assignments. how to create permission, so that the users can see only the tasks which are assigned to them.

@sapnapokhriyal288 Please write your custom permission query for that so write permission query for task doctype

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can u please explain more

goto role permission and set to the doctypes of user to only if creater
that way if an admin create an task only admin and that user can see that task

Okay so by this the users will only see the tasks which will assign to them right?

yes user and admin only

And when the task completes the assignments are automatically remove. Is there any way to stop this?

if you can share the screenshot it will be better to understand

Please see this image. when we change the status of task fom working to completed the assignment removes automatically and in activity (bottom of the page) it shows the user has removed the assignment.
(If we can rectify this it will help me because as per your solution above I have set permissions as “only if creator” but when the assignment will remove the user will not able to see his completed Tasks. (because by setting the permission user can see the task which he creates or which are assigned to him by the senior)

user will not able to see the completed tasks in which he is not creator but assigned to him by senior