User not able to print. Print icon itself not visible

Hi, I have given this user print rights to sales invoice, but the print icon itself is not visible. Do I need to give some special rights to access printing?

Chech Allow Print for Draft in Print Setting

Yes it is allowed. I can see the print option, but this user is not able to.

In the user account settings there’s a Printing Module checkbox. My test user seems to be able to access printing with this checked or unchecked… so may not help you. Might be worth a look though :thinking:

Even if I allow all modules, still not working :pensive:

Print settings also seem correct.

Can someone please help here…i have tried everything but not able to figure this out

Please enable print permission in role permission manager for the role

Yes it is enabled.

Still looking for a solution to this. I am not able to figure out how to enable print button itself for any users.

Please Navigate to Role List and make sure all the setting are enable for example if the user has Accounts User Role so open “Accounts user Role” and check on all setting

Then Print Icon will be Visible