User not getting data in link field if record not created by him

Frappe Framework: v15.x.x-develop () (develop)

I have a two doctype , first is “Block” and second is “Floor”. so in “Floor” Doctype I have field Called “Block Name” which type is Link.
now Block Name is fetching data properly in the field, but It only showing those record which is created by that user.
I want to show data in field for all user.
how to fix it ?

I think, you have to use the Overriding Link Query By Custom Script for that.

One thing I am confused of is that when administrator logged in to see portal pages, the administrator still has restrictions on the data entries which created by other users. Don’t know how to fix.


I checked all permission and roles, all are ok but still getting this problem.
I have a doctype Block which is created by Administrator,
and a record is inserted by “society owner”.
then I switch to " view website" from Administrator account.
then on website a record is created by society owner, is showing to “Administrator” but on the click of that record the error is coming “You don’t have the permissions to access this document”

Are talking about a web from?

Yes, I am talking about web form

Uncheck them. then reload and check it.

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I did not checked “Apply Document Permission”

this record is created by another role called “Society Owner” ,
this record is showing properly to “system manager” but on click of that I am getting error.
and for creating new record the data is not coming in Link field which is created by “Society Owner”


I think the issue is in the role permission, so we checked from my end with the two role but it’s woking properly.


Please check the “Apply Document Permissions”. :sweat_smile:

then reload and check it.

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OK Thanks , One Issue is solved.
now One issue still remaining
creating new record the data is not coming in Link field which is created by “Society Owner

Please apply it.

Thanks a lot for saving my day.