User Premission is not working correctly

I am using both latest version i.e ERPNext: v6.5.1 and version 4 of erpnext

when i create “New user” apart from “Administrator privileges” and assign “Role”:- Sales manager, Sales user and Sales Master Manager . And assign User Permissions where “Company” is “XYZ” company to “New User”. Note “XYZ” is not Default company.

  1. Than when I, got login to “New user” and open “Sales Order List” than it is showing Sales order of both company i.e “Default company” and “XYZ company” . I think in “Sales Order List” it Suppose to show only Sales order record, which contain “XYZ company” .

  2. In version 4 when I ,created “New sales order” , “Company” link field shows only “XYZ company”, which is correct, but in version ERPNext: v6.5.1 when I, created “New sales order” Company link field shows both “XYZ company and Default company” , I think it suppose to show only XYZ company.

Arpit jain


To set permissions related company, follow the below steps:
1.Go to User Permission Manager
2.Select User
3.Select DocTYpe=Company
4.Assign required company name
5.Click on “Add a User Restrictions” button

I have already assign User Permission to my “New User” i.e

  1. Allow User == New User, If Document Type == Company, Is == “XYZ Company”.

It is not working properly . Read carefully point 1 and 2 .

Thank for reply

Arpit jain

Check that the user does not have permissions via another role.

Thanks for reply, rmehta

  1. My main concern is point 1.
  2. what I, want is that , when I login with “New user” with permission( Allow User == New User, If Document Type == Company, Is == “XYZ Company”), than “Sales Order List” want to show only the data of Sales order containing Company == XYZ Company . Now what I, am getting Sales order of all company, which is wrong , so please check this if this is bug or not because I , have set the user permission correct.

Arpit Jian