Hello, I have the following problem:
In the helpdesk customer portal, when I select the customer profile only the “log out” option is displayed, however I need it to also display the “my account” option which directs to the /me page, any suggestions on how to perform this?
November 12, 2024, 4:51am
that for, you have to add my account and set the route.
const device = useDevice();
const showSettingsModal = ref(false);
const isCustomerPortal = route.meta.public ?? false;
const menuOptions = computed(() => {
return isCustomerPortal
? customerPortalSidebarOptions
: agentPortalSidebarOptions;
const customerPortalDropdown = computed(() => [
label: "Log out",
icon: "log-out",
onClick: () => authStore.logout(),
const agentPortalDropdown = computed(() => [
component: markRaw(Apps),
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added this, but not working on portal
label: “My Account”, // New option for editing profile
icon: “user”, // Icon for My Account
route: “/me”, // Route for the profile page