Hi, can anyone explain, how following is working in erpnext_shopify?
for item in frappe.db.sql(“”“select item_code, item_name, item_group,
description, has_variants, stock_uom, image, shopify_id, shopify_variant_id, sync_qty_with_shopify
from tabItem where sync_with_shopify=1 and (variant_of is null or variant_of = ‘’)
and (disabled is null or disabled = 0)”“”, as_dict=1):
sync_item_with_shopify(item, price_list, warehouse)
I am trying to setup erpnext_shopify but getting error due to missing doctype of Item ( i.e. erpnext database ) … Do we need to setup erpnext_shopify on erpnext site?
Thanks for quick response. I have already installed erpnext, is it using ERPNext database? or its using erpnext_shopify db database for tabItem table here in this query?
If its using same as ERPNext then how can we install it here