Using the Easy Install Mysql Binary logs are used why?


I used the documented ‘Easy install’ method to install ERPNext version 8. It’s been working quite well but yesterday I received a big problem where the server had run out of disk space, ie more than 10GB for a small test server with about 8GB used for the Mysql Binary logs alone with the logs growing to 8GB in only a few weeks.

The above link explains the problem and a resolution purging the unnecessary logs. But a couple of questions

  1. Do we need the binary logs anyway for ERPNext?
  2. If not, is there any reason why they are useful or can the logs be disabled safely as per the notes above?


Here is some reading on bin logs:

The first paragraph and bullet points give the information you need.

Yes you can disable the bin log without breaking anything and ERPNext will work fine. But do so at your own risk, because if there comes a time where you need it for a restore operation, you won’t have it. If this is a test environment which you don’t really care about, it should be OK.

Only 14 days of logs are stored, so the size impact should be minimal in a production envuronment.

And, a real example of how bin logs saved the day for Frappe: How MySQL's BinLogs saved the day

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Thanks Felix for the useful reply. Sounds like they’re not needed but in fact they are :wink: I think I’ll go for a 14 day storage approach.

I wanted to raise this point for others who may not be aware of this though as it took me by surprise how quick the disk filled up.