Greetings comunity , as in my local test instance and the when running any report with date filters it olny show 2014 as start date and i cant change the year (stock ledger, accounting ledger)
Can’t replicate it in my local. Can you write down the exact steps here?
hello @nabinhait this ocurrs in demo, and in my site (updated today to v8.3) while creating any transaction after validating run the view accouting ledger, the default report shows this, in the new datepicker hitting the today button does noting.
Please create a github issue with the above explanation. We will check into it tomorrow.
done! UTC Errors V8 - Stock Ledger and Accouting Ledger Reports · Issue #8244 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
I just Update to V 8.0.9 , which is even with the develop branch by now and this bug was Fixed via frappe/frappe#3058 Date recursion fix in General Ledger by netchampfaris · Pull Request #3058 · frappe/frappe · GitHub and was merge to develop yesterday, but i still have issues when using UTC -6 Central America which is my time zone. is the fix already include in V 8.0.9 ?