V-14 HRMS #### Payment Days Dependency

Payment Days Dependency

Row #2: The House Rent Allowance Component has the options Amount based on formula and Depends On Payment Days enabled.

In Version - 13 it was working well. !!

How can write the formula as per the below scenario

HRA = ( base - B ) / total_working_days * payment_days

def validate_payment_days_based_dependent_component(self):

# 	abbreviations = self.get_component_abbreviations()
# 	for component_type in ("earnings", "deductions"):
# 		for row in self.get(component_type):
# 			if (
# 				row.formula
# 				and row.depends_on_payment_days
# 				# check if the formula contains any of the payment days components
# 				and any(re.search(r"\b" + abbr + r"\b", row.formula) for abbr in abbreviations)
# 			):
# 				message = _("Row #{0}: The {1} Component has the options {2} and {3} enabled.").format(
# 					row.idx,
# 					frappe.bold(row.salary_component),
# 					frappe.bold("Amount based on formula"),
# 					frappe.bold("Depends On Payment Days"),
# 				)
# 				message += "<br><br>" + _(
# 					"Disable {0} for the {1} component, to prevent the amount from being deducted twice, as its formula already uses a payment-days-based component."
# 				).format(
# 					frappe.bold("Depends On Payment Days"), frappe.bold(row.salary_component)
# 				)
# 				frappe.throw(message, title=_("Payment Days Dependency"))