Here I drew RED lines around what appear to be duplicates of the items that I just created. If you were to scroll down you would see that POS shows 6 full sets of these five variants that I just created.
It doesn’t matter if I reboot he system or anything, it always has these false duplicates displayed causing confusion and taking up space that should be for other products.
The fact that there are 6 full sets of the 5 variants means there are 25 extra spots taken up in the grid that you have to get past before you can see the rest of the products.
At this point I cannot run update on the server because I cannot afford to have anything go further wrong for the client using it as a test environment for their evaluation of EPRNext. I was already thrown out once because of the dumb upgrade messages that kept popping up. So, when I got that stopped I went back to them to complete their testing.
Do the items also show up in the Item list (/desk#List/Item/List)? And are the correct items labeled “Template” (Parent) and Variant (Child) look correct? (Reminder that I don’t know 'nuthin, but it is midnight IST and I am just trying to help you keep moving along.)
I have been on the road to a flood zone to help out there so I’m just getting back to this.
Yes. All of the child “Variants” appear correct and appear only one time in the Items list. The Template is also listed and it is correct. It also only appears one time in the Items list.
I would suspect it has something to do with the code that calls in the variants when setting up the POS display grid. It seems odd that there are 6 fulls sets of the Items listed on the grid and there are a total of 6 files that make up the Item (1 template and 5 child variants).
It is almost as if the POS grid is loading all 5 of the variants 1 time for each file.
May have to try setting up smaller and larger numbers to see how they are presented in the POS grid. So far all of them have been the 5 clothing sizes.
Will test more when I get another hour or 2 two to play with it again.
Unfortunately, there does NOT appear to be a work-around for this. The bug is in the decision logic used to populate the grid in the online mode.
I gave up on v11 of ERPNext altogether and went back to v10 (even for my new clients). It just doesn’t make sense to use it when it is that broken. Most of my recent clients are very small and only pay about $30 per month for a basic implementation for their kiosk or small shop. So there is not enough money there right now to fund a fix for this.
If I get a larger client that wants to fund the development costs for the fix then it will be contributed.