V12 BUG on Pricing rule: 'Same Item' checkbox ticked but the free items price still keeps the original price

Hi everyone,


I had a use case that when customers buy 5 products they can get 2 items of the same product. I have set all the fields properly and tick the ‘Same Item’ checkbox.

Then I trying to create a new sales order to test it.
Add item with qty 5.

After adding the items, I have to click save button in this sales order, it then adds two same products into Items (but with the same rate, I would expect rate as 0 as free).

And the pricing rules indicator is red which means is not applied:

Would be good to know how to fix this bug! Thank you!

V12 BUG on Pricing rule: ‘Same Item’ checkbox ticked but the free items price still keeps the original price.

Github links: [BUG] Pricing rule: ‘Same Item’ checkbox ticked but the free items price still keeps the original price. · Issue #18845 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

Any reply to this one, could really use some help here please.