V13-Script Report: Export to excel with currency and quantity formatting


I am building Custom script report in ERPNext V-13.
I am trying to export the built report to excel.
The standard behaviour exports the raw values without formatting to excel.(eg $23,123.00 is exported as 23123)

I need to include the formatting as well in the excel output. ($23,123.00 as $23,123.00)
is there a way out to achieve this.

Hi Gsarunk,

Have you got any solution for this?


One way is to define a data field and format the currency field and store it in the data field.

frappe.db.get_value("Currency", "USD", "symbol")}} {{ frappe.format_value(amount, {"fieldtype":"Float"} ) 

The other way is to use custom excel download using XLSX js utilities like below

We need to write custom code in the client code of the script report
in the on load function of the reportadd a download button and handle the action of the download button.

below is the complete code of the client code. You can take reference of this and build your own. Pay attention to formatting of currency and float fields

frappe.query_reports['BOM Analysis'] = {

"filters": [{
			"label": __("BOM/Design"),
			"fieldtype": "Link",
			"options": "BOM",
			"reqd": 1,
			"label": __("Compare BOM/Design"),
			"fieldtype": "Link",
			"options": "BOM",
		{   "fieldname":"include_overheads",
			"label": __("Include Overheads"),
			"fieldtype": "Check",
"tree": true,
	"name_field": "quotation",
	"parent_field": "parent_quotation",
	"initial_depth": 1,
	"formatter": function(value, row, column, data, default_formatter) {
		value = default_formatter(value, row, column, data);

		if (data && (data.indent == 0.0 || data.indent == 1.0)) {
			value = $(`<span>${value}</span>`);
			var $value = $(value).css("font-weight", "bold");
			value = $value.wrap("<p></p>").parent().html();
		if (data){
		    var val1=0, val2=0
		       case "c_amount":
		            val1 = data.amount;
		            val2 = data.c_amount;
		        case "c_qty":
		            val1 = data.qty;
		            val2 = data.c_qty;
		        case "c_rate":
		        	val1 = data.rate;
		            val2 = data.c_rate;

		    //console.log('before', $(value).text())
		    if(val1 < val2){
		        if(val1) {
		            percent = ((val2-val1)*(100/val1)).toFixed(2)
		        } else { 
		            percent = 100.00
    		    var $value = $(value).css("color", "red");
    		        value = $(`<div style="text-align: right">${value}</div>`);
    		        $value = $(value).text( "(+" + percent + "%)" + $(value).text()  );
    		        value = $value.wrap("<p></p>").parent().html();
		        } else if(val2 < val1){
		            if(val1) {
		                percent = ((val1-val2)*(100/val1)).toFixed(2) 
		            } else {
		                percent = 100 
		            var $value = $(value).css("color", "green");
    		        value = $(`<div>${value}</div>`);
    		        $value = $(value).text("(-" + percent + "%)" + $(value).text()  );
    		        value = $value.wrap("<p></p>").parent().html(); }
		return value;
	make_export: function () {

		var me = frappe.query_report;
		me.title = me.report_name;

		if (!frappe.model.can_export(me.report_doc.ref_doctype)) {
			frappe.msgprint(__("You are not allowed to export this report"));
			return false;

				fieldtype: "Select",
				label: __("Select File Type"),
				fieldname: "file_format_type",
				options: "Excel\nCSL",
				default: "Excel",
				reqd: 1
			function (data) {
				var view_data = frappe.slickgrid_tools.get_view_data(me.columns, me.dataView);
				var result = view_data.map(row => row.splice(1));

				// to download only visible rows
				var visible_idx = view_data.map(row => row[0]).filter(sr_no => sr_no !== 'Sr No');

				if (data.file_format_type == "CSV") {

				} else if (data.file_format_type == "Excel") {

			}, __("Export Report: " + me.title), __("Download"));

		return false;
	refresh: function(report) {console.log(frappe.query_report) },
	onload: function(report) {
	    //frappe.query_report.set_filter_value('BOM', frappe.get_prev_route()[1]=='BOM' ? frappe.get_prev_route()[2] : '');
	    //frappe.query_report.filters[0].value = 
	    //frappe.get_prev_route()[1]=='BOM' ? frappe.get_prev_route()[2] : '' ;
		report.page.add_inner_button(__("Download"), async function() {
		//Set filters for Get List. BOM and Compare BOM
		bom_filters = [frappe.query_report.filters[0].value, frappe.query_report.filters[1].value]
            	method: 'frappe.client.get_list',
            	args: {
            	doctype: 'BOM',
            	filters: [
                ['name','in', bom_filters]
            	fields: ['name', 'll_design', 'owner', 'creation', 'modified_by', 'modified']
                callback: function(r){						
                var me = frappe.query_report;
    		    me.title = me.report_name;
    		    columnTitles = []
    		    //Set the column titles of excel from the report field labels
    		    me.columns.map((column) => { columnTitles.push(column.label)})
    		    // Load the XLS JS and download the report data as excel
    		    loadJS("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gitbrent/xlsx-js-style/dist/xlsx.bundle.js", true);
    		    function loadJS(FILE_URL, async = true) {
                  let scriptEle = document.createElement("script");
                  scriptEle.setAttribute("src", FILE_URL);
                  scriptEle.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
                  scriptEle.setAttribute("async", async);
                  // success event 
                  scriptEle.addEventListener("load", () => {
                  // error event
                  scriptEle.addEventListener("error", (ev) => {
                    console.log("Error on loading file", ev);
                //Function to export XLSX
                function exportXLS(XLSX) {
                    rows = me.data.map((row) => { 
                            return getRowData(row)
                        } ) 

                    hv_import = rows.shift()    
                    //Add six empty rows to accomodate the change log    
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    rows.splice(0, 0, []);
                    // generate worksheet and workbook 
                    const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(rows);
                    const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
                    XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, ("Design " + r.message[0].ll_design));
                    //XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Dates");
                    // fix headers 
                    XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(worksheet, [ columnTitles ], { origin: "A8" });
                    // calculate column width  
                    // XLSX.utils.sheet_add_json(worksheet, reportHeader, {header:columnTitles, origin:'A1', skipHeader:false});
                    XLSX.writeFile(workbook, (r.message[0].ll_design + '.xlsx') );
                    //Form the row with indents
                    function getRowData(row) {
                        rowData = {}
                        for (let i = 0; i < me.columns.length; i++) {
                            var TAB
                            var colname = me.columns[i].fieldname
                            if(!row[colname]) { row[colname] = ''} 
                            if (i == 0) {
                                 switch (row.indent) {
                                        case 0:
                                            TAB = ''
                                        case 1:
                                            TAB = '  '
                                        case 2:
                                            TAB = '    '
                                rowData[colname] = TAB? TAB + row[colname] :  row[colname]     
                            } else {
                              var colname = me.columns[i].fieldname     
                              rowData[colname] = row[colname]
                        return rowData

                    function isBoldRequired(rowIndex) {
                        if( rowIndex >= 0  && (me.data[rowIndex].indent == 0 || me.data[rowIndex].indent == 1) ){ 
                            return true
                        } else { return false } 
                    function applyCommonFormat(colIndex, rowIndex) {
                        if (getCellEncoded(colIndex, rowIndex)) {
                        worksheet[getCellEncoded(colIndex, rowIndex)].s = {									// set the style for target cell
                                               border: {
                                                            right: {
                                                                style: "thin",
                                                                color: "000000"
                                                            left: {
                                                                style: "thin",
                                                                color: "000000"
                                                            top: {
                                                                style: "thin",
                                                                color: "000000"
                                                            bottom: {
                                                                style: "thin",
                                                                color: "000000"
                                                font: { bold:  isBoldRequired(rowIndex) }  ,
                    function getNumberFormat(colIndex) {
                        var format
                        if (colIndex >= 0 ) {
                            switch (me.columns[colIndex].fieldtype) {
                                    case 'Float':
                                        format = '#,##0.000'
                                    case 'Currency':
                                        format = '#,##0.00'
                        return format
                    function getCellEncoded( colIndex, rowIndex) { 
                        const ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({ r: rowIndex + 1, c: colIndex })
                        if (worksheet[ref] && worksheet[ref].t === 'n') { 
                            return ref
                        } else {
                            return null
                    function getFormatted() {
                       /* for (let i = 0; i < me.columns.length; i++) {
                        } */
                        colMaxWidth = []
                        for (i in worksheet) {
                            if (typeof(worksheet[i]) != "object") continue;
                            let cell = XLSX.utils.decode_cell(i);
                            if(cell.r > 6) {
                                worksheet[i].s = { // styling for reprot data cells
                                    font: {
                                        name: "arial",
                                        bold: isBoldRequired(cell.r - 7)
                                    alignment: {wrapText: false },
                                    border: {
                                        right: {
                                            style: "thin",
                                            color: "000000"
                                        left: {
                                            style: "thin",
                                            color: "000000"
                                    numFmt: getNumberFormat(cell.c)
                            } else {
                                worksheet[i].s = { // styling for change log
                                    font: {
                                        name: "arial",
                                    alignment: {wrapText: false },
                            if (cell.r == 0) {
                                worksheet[i].s = { // styling for change log
                                    font: {
                                        name: "arial",
                                        sz: "24",
                                    alignment: {wrapText: false },
                            if (cell.c == 0 || cell.c  == me.columns.length/2) { // first column and compare first column
                                worksheet[i].s.alignment.wrapText = true
                            if (cell.r == 7) { // Header
                                worksheet[i].s.fill = { // background color
                                    patternType: "solid",
                                    fgColor: { rgb: "b2b2b2" },
                                    bgColor: { rgb: "b2b2b2" } 
                                worksheet[i].s.border.bottom = { // bottom border
                                    style: "thin",
                                    color: "000000"
                        function getMaxColumnWidth1(colMaxWidth, cell, wsi) {
                            console.log(cell, wsi)
                            if(colMaxWidth[cell.c]) { 
                                colMaxWidth[cell.c].wch = Math.max(colMaxWidth[cell.c].wch, String(wsi.v).length)
                            } else { 
                                colWidth = { wch:  10 }
                            return colMaxWidth
                        function getMaxColumnWidth(fieldname) {
                            // Do not consider 1st row for width
                            maxWidth = 14
                            for(let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) { 
                               maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, String(rows[i][fieldname]).length)
                            return { wch:  maxWidth }
                        //Build the max width array
                        me.columns.map((column) => { 
                            //Compute max width of individual columns
                        } )
                        //Set maximum width of individual columns with colMaxWidth array 
                        worksheet["!cols"] = colMaxWidth
                    function add_bom_meta() {
                        change_log = []
                        //Get the index of BOM and CBOM from report filters to get the value 
                        index_bom = r.message.findIndex(x => x.name ===bom_filters[0]);
                        index_cbom = r.message.findIndex(x => x.name ===bom_filters[1]);
                        console.log('Frapee Session', frappe)
                       // change_log.push(change_log_row)
                        XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(worksheet, [ 

                              ["Design", r.message[index_bom].ll_design,'USD',('INR ' + hv_import.rate),'', index_cbom >=0 ? r.message[index_cbom]?.ll_design :'', '', '', '', ''],
                              ["Owner", r.message[index_bom].owner ,'','', '', index_cbom >=0 ? r.message[index_cbom].owner: ''],
                              ["Created On", r.message[index_bom]?.creation ,'','','', index_cbom >=0 ? r.message[index_cbom].creation : ''],
                              ["Modified By", r.message[index_bom]?.modified_by ,'','','', index_cbom >=0 ? r.message[index_cbom].modified_by: ''],
                              ["Modified On", r.message[index_bom]?.modified ,'','','', index_cbom >=0 ? r.message[index_cbom].modified: ''] ,
                              ["Downloaded By", frappe.session.user ,'','','', '', ''], 
                              ["Downloaded On", frappe.datetime.now_datetime() ,'','','', '', ''] 
                          ] , { origin: "A1" });
                }  // Function exportXLS
    	 } })  // Frappe.dg.get_value
    }, //On Load