V7 Financial Statements not printing nor exporting to PDF

V7 looks nice but when I Menu > Print under Financial Statements nothing happens.
Even when I click Menu > PDF still nothing happens.
But when I click Menu > Export I get the csv file which is good.
Tried different browsers, disabled pop blockers, still same problem.

Any tips for me?

Does anything come up in the browser console?

In Chrome, press Ctrl-Shift-I

I can replicate the issue in local. Can you please raise an issue in github?

This already solve by @rmehta this is our discussion but the fix is still in the develop branch


localStorage cleared
Cleared App Cache.
localStorage cleared
Check Link: filename = , ext = .
Uncaught Error: x is not defined for id = “Income”.
Error in Template:
var _p=[],print=function(){_p.push.apply(_p,arguments)};with(obj){
include “erpnext/accounts/report/financial_statements.html”
_p.push(’ ‘);}return _p.join(’‘);
Uncaught TypeError: frappe.template.compile(…) is not a function
Error in Template:
var _p=[],print=function(){_p.push.apply(_p,arguments)};with(obj){
include “erpnext/accounts/report/financial_statements.html”
_p.push(’ ‘);}return _p.join(’‘);
Uncaught TypeError: frappe.template.compile(…) is not a function
Error in Template:
var _p=[],print=function(){_p.push.apply(_p,arguments)};with(obj){
include “erpnext/accounts/report/financial_statements.html”
_p.push(’ ‘);}return _p.join(’');
Uncaught TypeError: frappe.template.compile(…) is not a function

just a bench update

i am in develop branch, still same problem

Fixed now.

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Thank you. Works fine now.

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