Hello, I am trying to use import data tool to import data from instance for testing ERPNext, But I am facing certain problems while importing – “File upload disconnected”.
Any suggestion please advise, as this is happening in latest version V9. Please find the screenshot as well.
Hope your file size is large.
socketio return this error when file upload prob.
Hope #erpnext Solved this issue ASAP.
Please open a Issue in github.
@rmehta After doing Ctrl+shift+I then Ii am getting this logs as in JS form:
localStorage cleared
desk.min.js?ver=1506493425.0:98 Cleared App Cache.
desk.min.js?ver=1506493425.0:129 localStorage cleared
jquery.min.js:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
send @ jquery.min.js:4
So far I have understood that any challenges faced in installation or customization then we should use discussion forum. This is a generic issue with V 9.x.x and I do not want any specific improvement.
I am also facing the same issue and therefore instead of creating a new thread I added my views on the same thread.
Sorry for inconvenience caused due to my choice of words ‘Require immediate fix’…
I am very new to ERP Next and right now I am focusing more on customizing the existing setup. I have implemented the V8.x.x for one of the organization and after upgrading to V9.x.x File upload and Data import started giving error.
I am also struggling to make it work and believe that I can get some support from the discussion forum. It appears that this error is either due to socket io or some java script. But when I found that others are also facing the same and therefore i also requested. I am looking some kind of fix on this error from the experts in the community.
‘urgent’, ‘production server down’, and ‘your immediate response please’ etc are hot buttons that cross the line from volunteer support to professional support.
Invariably a self search of the forum will turn up clues and pointers.