Valuation rate for internal Customer and Supplier

How to use price list rate and skip item valuation rate for intercompany transactions
like “Purchase Receipt”, “Purchase Invoice”, “Purchase Order”
“Sales Order”, “Delivery Note”, “Sales Invoice”

Its resolved after modifation on transaction.js file and erpnext.bundle.xxxxxxxx.js and files

() => {
    // For internal customers or suppliers, apply valuation rate directly to the item
    if (me.frm.doc.is_internal_customer || me.frm.doc.is_internal_supplier) {
        me.get_incoming_rate(item, me.frm.posting_date, me.frm.posting_time, me.frm.doc.doctype,;
    } else {
        me.frm.script_manager.trigger("price_list_rate", cdt, cdn);


() => me.frm.script_manager.trigger("price_list_rate", cdt, cdn),