Something is very wrong and/or has serious bug in stock item valuation rate and last purchase rate calculations.
Specifically, in stock ledger, the valuation rate is not calculated correctly.
Material transfers should not change the valuation rate of the stock item.
The valuation rate should change only when there is a purchase invoice or a material receipt.
Please note: The following screenshots show currency values and floating numbers with comma as decimal separator due to regional settings.
The valuation rate should be steady after the last purchase rate. Instead it fluctuates with every material transfer. Keep in mind that the specific stock item has valuation method set to FIFO.
In the above screenshot, the rate labeled as “Random value?” should be € 2.88034, the last purchase rate as highlighted in blue color on the first screenshot (Stock Ledger).
How do we fix these miscalculation bugs in a way that is not affected by consecutive ERPnext updates?
Manually updating the valuation rate is not the proper way. I have not entered incoming or valuation rate, ERPnext is supposed to calculate both rates automatically with each “material transfer” (TRNS-001**) or “manufacture” (SMNF-001**). The only price entered by human was the last purchase rate 2.88034 EUR.
Also, the 247.37072 EUR per-piece rate calculated from ERPnext in “Stock - Item” form while all purchases and valuation rates for this item are below 4.60 EUR per-piece, is still an indicator of a huge bug.
Furthermore, item 00701 is an IC, an electronic chip which comes in distinct batches, each batch having its own price of course, and more importantly having each batch tracked for quality control. When a quantity of this chip is moved from stock to manufacture (SMNF-00115) the first 50 pcs are taken from the first batch which is depleted, then 100 pcs more from the second batch, and so on, and so forth. When a BOM has 120 different items which are moved from stock to manufacture, it is practically impossible to have a human manually check and adjust incoming rates and valuation rates for 120 items, in different batches, several times per day. This is ERPnext’s job.