Value Difference - Stock Balance vs Stock in Hand


There is a difference in Value for Stock-in-Hand (Shown in Balance Sheet) vs Stock Value in Stock Balance Report

Stock In Hand (as Shown in Balance Sheet) : 4,66,69,001.12
Stock Value (as Shown in Stock Balance Report) : 4,66,67,065.81
Total Value of Negative Stock (as Shown in Stock Balance Report) : -4,782.78
Total Value as Stock Analytics : 4,66,54,965.22

How do I check for erroneous Entries or Records, if any?

Or is this because I have certain negative stock in my System?. If this is the case, even then, the value does not match. The total value of Negative stock does not equal the difference between the above two values.

I also facing this problem as described in Value of some items in stock analytics and stock balance are different - #3 by nagarajan.

Surprisingly all the figures are different then others.


Looks like we’re facing the same issue.

Its surprising that no one have responded so I don’t think I must have been resolved.

We are getting quite big difference in the value of Stock in Hand in Chart of account AF current date and also Stock In Hand in Trial balance against year end when comparing these values to Stock balance.

Trial Balance Values are Matching General Ledger Values
But the above report’s values are not matching with Stock Balance and its causing the client to not get auditors approval.

Have anyone else faced the same on latest V11 ? We’re still investigation but cannot find the reason of difference in core reports


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@fkardame- I’m also faced with the same issue.

Did you manage to resolve the issue?

I am in Erpnext 12.10.1.I don’t think the problem exists.Stock per balance sheet balance(stock in hand) and stock balance are same.But you need to take care of when the two reports are generated if posting is going while checking.However Stock Analytics seems to be measuring balance at end of the month or year -It does not agree with stock in hand and stock balance ( which are same)

@Fred1 - Thank you very much.

I have upgraded the same data to v12.10.1 and can confirm that the issue has been resolved.

@fkardame & @mehta_akshay - Further analysis has revealed that the only difference in the reports was that in v11- the report did not consider disabled stock items which resulted in the variance. Enabling all the items with transactions resolved the issue.

This can be another then but what we found was difference in 3 decimal between Stock Entry and Accounting entry of the same stock entry.

This is only for those using 3 decimals.

You can try

bench --site site1.local execute erpnext.stock.stock_balance.repost

good idea, thanks.

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