Hello everyone i am trying to set value for the field with some conditions following code,
for i in self.get(‘stp’):
if i.reading_type == ‘Quantitative’:
i.quant_acc_criteria = i.qty_range + ’ ’ + str(i.low)
if i.high:
i.quant_acc_criteria = i.quant_acc_criteria + ’ to ’ + str(i.high)
i.quant_acc_criteria = i.quant_acc_criteria +’ ’ + i.units
the above screenshot shows the range field,‘low’ field with value ‘8’ and ‘high’ field with value ‘1’ and units has ‘%’ then the ‘quant_acc_criteria’ update with above mentioned code.
if i change range field as ‘Not More Than’ then only ‘low’ field is shown and i am changing the ‘low’ field also and then i save the record after saving the ‘quant_acc_criteria’ is updated but along with ‘high’ field value is also updating…here ‘high’ field is not there after changing the range field.