Vanilla K8S Helm Installl: pods pending

I have a demo cluster, two nodes with Ubuntu Server 22.

The nodes are two EC2 AWS instances, Intel Xeon Platinum 8259CL 32 GB RAM

I followed these steps to setup a small demo of the ERPnext/frappe

kubectl create namespace erpnext

helm repo add frappe

helm upgrade --install frappe-bench --namespace erpnext frappe/erpnext --set persistence.worker.storageClass=nfs

kubectl create namespace nfs

helm repo add nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner

helm upgrade --install -n nfs in-cluster nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner/nfs-server-provisioner --set 'storageClass.mountOptions={vers=4.1}' --set persistence.enabled=true --set persistence.size=8Gi

This is the error

$ kubectl logs frappe-bench-erpnext-worker-s-5dbf5cb994-l78b8 -n erpnext
Defaulted container "short" out of: short, populate-assets (init)

Also, when I run the describe command on one of the pending pods, I see:

Warning FailedScheduling 11s (x12 over 41m) default-scheduler 0/2 nodes are available: 2 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

I don’t have enough experience with K8S unfortunately, some handholding would be needed here, sorry folks.

The problem is with storage / persistent volumes , but I don’t understand if I missed a step in the pre-requisites or not.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

This should be the sequence of commands:

kubectl create namespace nfs

helm repo add nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner

helm upgrade --install -n nfs in-cluster nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner/nfs-server-provisioner --set 'storageClass.mountOptions={vers=4.1}' --set persistence.enabled=true --set persistence.size=8Gi

kubectl create namespace erpnext

helm repo add frappe

helm upgrade --install frappe-bench --namespace erpnext frappe/erpnext --set persistence.worker.storageClass=nfs
  • first setup NFS, which gives you RWX storage class
  • then setup ERPNext which uses the RWX storage class.
  • after each command confirm state of pods in namespace, proceed only after all pods are in running state.
  • if your kubernetes distribution comes with some built in RWX class then you can skip the NFS setup step and use existing storageClass in last command
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thank you so so much, I am going to try and report back, any chance we could do it together whenever you can sharing the terminal?

Hello and thank you so much.

The problem is definitely with pv / pvc.

  • There are no pv in my cluster
  • The pod in-cluster-nfs-server-provisioner-0 is pending forever since the pvc data-in-cluster-nfs-server-provisioner-0 has this error no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set.

Is it something related with the fact that I am using Ec2 instances?

I have 100GB of storage, 84% free, I am stuck.

Any help is welcome

Some progress.

I followed these steps, to the letter, only changing the sc name to nfs.

I can see two pvc in the namespace erpnext:

data-frappe-bench-mariadb-0 → pending

frappe-bench-erpnext → bound

I do not understand why the first pvc is unbound with the error no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set

If I delete the pvc, change its storageClass to nfs, and re-create the pvc the volume is bound, but then I get a bunch of errors like this.

Any ideas?

what are the available storage classes?

kubectl get sc

you need to attach pvc for nfs and Mariadb pods. if nothing is mentioned it’ll pick up default storage class. PVC access mode for these 2 pods need to be RWO

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**k get sc**
nfs   Delete          Immediate           false                  29m

The nfs pod is nfs-provisioner-777d7447c6-mfc7c and is sitting in the default ns. Is this a problem?

Also, when you say “you need to attach pvc for nfs and Mariadb pods”, I did not attach any pvc to the nfs provisioner pod. I tried to deploy this claim from here and it worked no problem.

it seems you dont have default storage class.

  1. go for managed kubernetes offering, it has many things figured out.
  2. if setting up on own then you’ll need to figure out many things that are way too much for someone who’s beginning with k8s. Or use some distro like Rancher, k3sup etc

install this and set it as default storage class GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/aws-ebs-csi-driver: CSI driver for Amazon EBS

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Thank you, before I give up, how can you tell I do not have a default sc ?

❯ k get sc
managed-nfs-storage   Delete          Immediate           true                   634d
scw-bssd (default)                              Delete          Immediate           true                   2y219d
scw-bssd-retain                              Retain          Immediate           true                   2y219d

Default will have (default) tagged.

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working on it. I see ur point, I should go for managed k8s, but there is a method behind my madness, I am using this for my job and the (albeit steep) learning curve, is giving me massive help to progress in what I am doing.
I can’t express how helpful you are being mate!

Ok, some MORE progress:

I did this and now:

k get sc
nfs (default)   Delete          Immediate           false                  44m


ubuntu@master:~$ k get pvc -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
erpnext     data-frappe-bench-mariadb-0   Bound    pvc-c7d3c63f-f493-487e-aa06-0b936429e78c   8Gi        RWO            nfs            4m17s
erpnext     frappe-bench-erpnext          Bound    pvc-b5f2eb86-aa82-4451-a0e7-cbd0665d3b94   8Gi        RWX            nfs            4m18s

Which is great…but the pod frappe-bench-mariadb-0 is still not starting:

Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[config data]: timed out waiting for the condition

Don’t use nfs as default. Use block storage as default. NFS is only for sites volume.

nfs-server-provisioner needs some storage class which is not nfs to start. once that starts it can successfully provision nfs pvcs.

In case you are on amazon use RDS instead of mariadb and EFS instead of nfs. That will take care of your backups and snapshots from AWS console/api.

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I’ll jump on it!