Ver14How can I access this function(definition) erpnext.accounts.dimensions.setup_dimension_filters

this filter is only in the section Accounting Dimensions
And filters by 3 which are: Dimension, Account, Company
I want to edit it like removing Company from the filter

I try to go to erpnext.accounts.dimensions but there is nothing at accounts called dimensions
so how can I see the definition of this function setup_dimension_filters
or how can I edit it like removing Company from the filter

at this path: frappe-bench/apps/erpnext/erpnext/accounts/doctype/journal_entry/journal_entry.js
at this block of code
erpnext.accounts.JournalEntry = class JournalEntry extends frappe.ui.form.Controller {
onload() {
// this filters is only at section Accounting Dimensions
// And filters by 3 which are: Dimension , Account, Company
// I want to edit it like removing Company from the filter
erpnext.accounts.dimensions.setup_dimension_filters(this.frm, this.frm.doctype);