Version 4 and beyond

Hello, I’m writing from Accra Ghana. I’ve successfully deployed the V3 of ERPNext in a supermarket (still in the process of writing a paper about it). It works great. I work in a CPA firm where I’ve managed to convince my boss about this product. He’s wanting to evaluate it and see if it can be added to our product lines. However, the following issues seem to be quite big on his gripes (and to a large extent I agree with him):

  1. Installation- Installing ERPNext locally is needlessly cumbersome, and even I, with years of Linux usage, have never managed to get V4 installed locally. I had to download the VBox on the site for evaluation. My boss just can’t seem to understand why such a seemingly great product would be so difficult to install. I know there’s a script for installation on Ubuntu and CentOS, even the the one for Ubuntu has never worked for me. I install successfully but then I need to manually start the server every time. Really, I think installing ERPNext is way too difficult, if not impossible.

  2. In my evaluation of V4, I noticed the P&L and Balance Sheet reports have been take out. I mean why? Why fix what is not broken? What is the rationale? Do I need to manually export Trial Balance, then reconstruct a P&L/Balance sheet everytime? What really is wrong with having the system do that? It was there in V3, then in V4 it’s just gone? Really, in as much as I respect the gargantuan effort the devs are putting into this amazing product, I think time should not be spent taking out functionalities that are not broken and are more or less standards. I raised a GitHub issue about the missing P&L, still nothing.

As it stands, it will be hard for my me to convince my boss to recommend ERPNext to our clients because of the above outlined issues. There are some others, but these two are the biggest hurdles. I am of the strong view that ERPNext be packaged (production deployment) as an Ubuntu package, as OpenERP has done. This I believe will make a strong case for recommending this product to people that have probably not heard of Linux before. Thanks

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Hello, I’m writing from Accra Ghana.

Thanks for writing in and sharing your feedback!

I’ve successfully deployed the V3 of ERPNext in a supermarket (still in the process of writing a paper about it). It works great.


I work in a CPA firm where I’ve managed to convince my boss about this product. He’s wanting to evaluate it and see if it can be added to our product lines. However, the following issues seem to be quite big on his gripes (and to a large extent I agree with him):

  1. Installation- Installing ERPNext locally is needlessly cumbersome, and even I, with years of Linux usage, have never managed to get V4 installed locally. I had to download the VBox on the site for evaluation. My boss just can’t seem to understand why such a seemingly great product would be so difficult to install. I know there’s a script for installation on Ubuntu and CentOS, even the the one for Ubuntu has never worked for me.

Please post any issues on the forum. We know its a problem and a new version of the bench is coming:

I install successfully but then I need to manually start the server every time. Really, I think installing ERPNext is way too difficult, if not impossible.

  1. In my evaluation of V4, I noticed the P&L and Balance Sheet reports have been take out. I mean why? Why fix what is not broken? What is the rationale? Do I need to manually export Trial Balance, then reconstruct a P&L/Balance sheet everytime? What really is wrong with having the system do that? It was there in V3, then in V4 it’s just gone? Really, in as much as I respect the gargantuan effort the devs are putting into this amazing product, I think time should not be spent taking out functionalities that are not broken and are more or less standards. I raised a GitHub issue about the missing P&L, still nothing.

We lost some features between 3-4. We were already 4 months late in release version 4, so we decided to go ahead and release it and fix the missing parts. This report is already being built.

As it stands, it will be hard for my me to convince my boss to recommend ERPNext to our clients because of the above outlined issues. There are some others, but these two are the biggest hurdles. I am of the strong view that ERPNext be packaged (production deployment) as an Ubuntu package, as OpenERP has done. This I believe will make a strong case for recommending this product to people that have probably not heard of Linux before. Thanks

Thanks for the feedback. We are working on those issues


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Pratik →

As it stands, it will be hard for my me to convince my boss to recommend ERPNext to our clients because of the above outlined issues. There are some others, but these two are the biggest hurdles. I am of the strong view that ERPNext be packaged (production deployment) as an Ubuntu package, as OpenERP has done. This I believe will make a strong case for recommending this product to people that have probably not heard of Linux before. Thanks

The reason we need to fix the bench asap