Version control for customization

As a lot of things can be done straight from the Frappe dashboard itself, how can I make sure that the entire team is working on the identically customized app?

To be more concrete, I am setting up an ERP for an education institute. Now my team has multiple people exploring and experimenting with different parts. One person is working on the admission forms. So he is customizing the following things in his local setup:

  1. Build > DocType > Student Applicant
  2. Website > Web Form > Student Applicant
  3. Build > DocType > Create new DocType

Another person is working on the website customization:

  1. adding new pages to the website
  2. adding navbar, footer

So how does the first person can get the updates of the second person and vice-versa?

Is there an import-export that we can use? Any other practice?

If one user makes a new doctype and you want another user to know about it, you can use the Notification feature. Set it to send an alert when the doctype is saved. This way, whenever a user creates the doctype, an email notification will be sent to the other user. Make sure to set up email configuration in ERPNext and refer to the documentation for more details.

Regarding import-export documents, yes, that feature is available.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Thank you @NCP for your response!

As having consistent DocTypes all across is the top concern right now, I want to check what will be the process once the email notification has been sent.

User A modifies a DocType, let’s say, Student Applicant
• Create a new DocType called - “Category”
• Adds a new field in the Student Applicant of type Link which connects with Category
• Adds some data fields

When User A saves it, an email will be sent to all the other devs on the team.

Now what will be the steps for the other users?
Do they have to talk to User A and ask what changes have been and then perform all those via the Dashboard in their system?
Can User A share a configuration file (JSON or something) that they can simply import into their system? Kind of like (if you’ve worked in WordPress) ACF plugin gives.

This type of functionality is not yet but if you want to upload the file then you can use the File Manager and also you can share the file with the user.

Thank You!