Virtual Doctype - frappe

Hey all, I’m working with virtual doctype and i want to insert, fetch and list the documents from a remote database (MySQL). I got the connection and listed the documents in the list view.

the doctype has a childtable with 2 fields (Subject and Mark).
when i try to insert a new record, im getting a dluplicationError.

the code for saving the document is

def db_insert(self, *args, **kwargs):
		main_data = self.get_valid_dict(convert_dates_to_str=True)

		child_table_data = self.get("details")

		main_columns = ", ".join(main_data.keys())
		main_values = ", ".join(["%s" for _ in main_data.values()])

		main_query = f"INSERT INTO `tabSample` ({main_columns}) VALUES ({main_values})"

		cn = conn()
		cur = cn.cursor()

		cur.execute(main_query, tuple(main_data.values()))

		cur.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")

		new_id = str(


		for child_row in child_table_data:
			child_row.parent = new_id
			# child_row["parent"] = new_id
			# child_columns = ", ".join(child_row.keys())
			# child_values = ", ".join([ "%s" for _ in child_row.values() ])
			# child_query = f"INSERT INTO `tabsub table` ({child_columns}) values ({child_values})"
			# cur.execute(child_query, tuple(child_row.values()))


and the code to view the code is

def load_from_db(self):
		doc = str(
		cn = conn()
		cur = cn.cursor()
		query = f"SELECT * FROM `tabSample` WHERE name = ?"
		cur.execute(query, (doc,))

		head = [ x[0] for x in cur.description ]
		results = cur.fetchall()
		d = []

		for i in results:
			d.append(dict(zip(head, i)))

		if d:
			main_data = d[0]
			for field, value in main_data.items():
				if field in self.fields:
					self.set(field, value)
			child_table_data = self.get("details")
			self.set("details", [])

			for row in child_table_data:
				child_row = self.append("details")
				child_row.subject = row.subject
				child_row.mark = row.mark

		field = "_table_fieldnames"
		values = True
		d[0][field] = values

		target_item = next( (item for item in d), None)
		super(Document, self).__init__(target_item)

and to update,

def db_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
		doc = str(
		main_data = self.get_valid_dict(convert_dates_to_str=True)
		child_table_data = self.get("details")

		main_columns = ", ".join([f"{key} = %s" for key in main_data.keys()])
		# main_values = ", ".join(["%s" for _ in main_data.values()])

		query = f"UPDATE `tabSample` SET {main_columns} WHERE name =\"{doc}\""

		cn = conn()
		cur = cn.cursor()

		cur.execute(query, tuple(main_data.values()))

		for child_row in child_table_data:
			child_row["parent"] = doc
			child_columns = ", ".join([f"{key} = %s" for key in child_row.keys()])
			child_query = f"UPDATE `tabsub table` SET {child_columns} WHERE parent = \"{doc}\""
			cur.execute(child_query, (child_row["subject"], child_row["mark"]))

		# fields = [ field.strip() for field in columns.split(',') ]
		# formatted_fields = [ f"{field} = %s" for field in fields ]
		# columns = ", ".join(formatted_fields)

		# cur.execute(query, tuple(main_data.values()))

Can anyone help me to solve this?