WAF for Traefik on frappe docker

Hello everyone,

i’m considering to (if necessary?) enhance the security of frappe_docker.

To do it, i want to take a start at the entrypoint, traefik. The first attempt here is to find a WAF that could prevent some easy attacks.

Because i’m not experienced with traefik, i did a quick research and found solutions, like OWASP Coraza web application firewall.

I’m sure this topic is (and will be) interesting for others.

So there are a few question, i did not figure out now. If somebody has experience with it, it would be a good thing if there will be here some answers.

  • Is a WAF necessary/helpful for frappe_docker, how you would rate it?

  • Are there already implementaions in frappe_docker to prevent attack attemps, regarding owasp?

  • Do you use or are experienced with Coraza or another WAF for traefik?

  • If you use a WAF but not with traefik, which webserver application you use and how you implemented it?

I will try to figure it out in the next time.
If somebody already will have a answer to one of these questions, it would be helpful.

This is possible with ingress-nginx on Kubernetes: ModSecurity Web Application Firewall - Ingress-Nginx Controller

Something similar should be available for traefik.