Want to fetch place of supply from shipping address

I have two different addresses for billing and shipping address. While making a sales invoice, under the place of supply, I am getting the location of the billing address. I want the location to be of the shipping address. How can I do this? is there any way of doing it from the doctype list?

Hi Shubham,

Did you find solution for this?

@SHUBHAM_JAISWAL Did you find any solution for this ?

We are using this product for Freight industry and as of Oct 1, Freight charges attract IGST for both inter and intra state.

The notification from government says, Place of Supply needs to be selected as 97 - Other Territory. but there is no provision in ERP Next to do so.

Did anyone overcome this issue.

Could anyone from Resilient Tech team help here please?


The context doesn’t seem to be clear here, and we may need more input from you.

Are you talking about freight on Exports? (Possible even now by considering it as a simple export)
Do you have an official govt notification for this?

We may need a complete business scenario to understand this in more detail about when and how it applies to you.

Also, currently, the application handles generic scenarios, and specific business use cases are not yet developed.

I am not able to find the link to government notification, but below can be referred


Yes, its for export freight.

Earlier Export Freight was exempted from GST so there was no issue. From 1st Oct 2022, IGST has to be applied and also Place of Service needs to be selected as 97 - Other Territory

Place of Service is auto selected as per the Customer’s GSTN and is a read-only field.

I tried making the Place of Supply as editable and manually updated it. But when i save, it updates back to what is mentioned in Address

Just to try, i hardcoded 97 in below line, IRN generation was successful, but i am not sure if its the issue.

Now it makes sense.

In the long run, we plan to have more configurations for Place of Supply and make it editable (for exceptional scenarios).

We can start with a GitHub issue for this and take it forward.

However, in this particular scenario, you may need to handle this manually (as we cannot predict this based on existing fields) or have a script do that for you based on the destination.