Want to make column editable in a report

i have created a report but i am not able to edit the column.
i have used editable= True in its py file but not able to make it editable.
help me out in order to make the columns editable .

I’m searching about that topic too. If you know the solution I really need that please

When you go to report view for any doctype just double click on a cell it will become editable.

So basically every report is editable in ERPNext.

I added a new field in Sales Order named “Order Comments” with Allow on Submit enabled. I tried adding the field to Sales Order Analysis to see if it can be edited inline. But dint work. Anyone knows a solution, please help.

@Azhar_Umar , Did you got any solution for this?

This feature does not work on Script Report. The following works:

So this function should work in report builder.

Frappe v15.39.0 contains a fix that allows editable columns in a script report (see Support Editable Report Cells · Issue #27414 · frappe/frappe · GitHub). You can do this using using get_datatable_options. For example:

frappe.query_reports["my_report"] = {
    filters: [...],
    get_datatable_options: (datatable_options) => {
        datatable_options.getEditor = (colIndex, rowIndex, value, parent, column, row, data) => {
            // editor options here

You must already have editable in your column configuration set to true for this to work, as indicated in the frappe datatable documentation.

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