Warehouse - to keep track of rental equipment

how many warehouse can we have ?

equipment is rented to a large number of clients. we need to keep track of equipment (inventory) at each client - one way would be to create a warehouse for each client and transfer rental inventory to this warehouse. would this be a correct way of implementing rental inventory ? the number of clients is quite large - right now we have about 450+ client locations. would the system work with so many warehouses ?

thanks for any help



No limit on the no. of transactions as such.

Will recommend you to create only one warehouse for the tracking rentals. In the Stock Entry, you can select Customer/Contact to whom item has been issued.

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How do you select Customer/Contact to whom item has been issued in stock entry ? which type of stock entry has these fields enabled ?

do i have to create additional fields ?

and how do i get to know which customer has what equipment ?

please point to some document

thanks for all your help

Recommended practice is to create a single RENTAL warehouse.
Use the Material Transfer transaction.
Add a custom field - ‘customer’ to the Material Transfer form.

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Thanks. i got that. now to implement :smile:

how do we make the “customer” field only appear when the transaction is “Material Transfer”?
customer field should not show up for other transaction type