Hello, I create webform in add one field i want to set added field datatype Heading if it is possible so how can i set ?
where to set heading?one field is title of web form
One title field is give in web form right?i think if you need section title in form use a section break and set title.
@Darshit_Patel your solution is Ok it work at heading place but some cases in i take section Break and add title so it take much more padding compared to heading type result in very different layout come
can you show screen shot and cistom css through we are remove unusual paddings.
Ok @Darshit_Patel currently i don’t pass any custom css but i can share one doctype image and web form layout
doctype in added fields
doctype layout
Create web in added fields
Web form layout
this issue i can face if any idea about this so tell me
Remove padding and apply a negative value to the margin-bottom, like this:
margin-bottom: -50px;
If still not working change css of the form in custom css block in web form and inspect the page and find the classes.
@Darshit_Patel it work but layout not come proper like i want to get layout
but when web form create pass custom css
margin-bottom:-10px !important;
it remove padding it work but next field not take column break
If you need this type of layout to you can create custom webpage and there to create custom layout as you need.Using html,css,js and bootstrap.
without custom web page only using web form it is possible?
I’m not customizing this form much, so I’m not sure.