Web form successful url errors

Hello everyone, I need help with an error in the successful url of the web form. What happens is that when I save the form, I see the success message, everything is fine, and when I close the success message, it redirects me to the form, not to the other url successful i need help please

Hi @gabriel_morales,

If haven’t checked then check the documentation.

If the issue is not solved and if manually install erpnext then apply the below command.
First, take a backup and then apply the command.

bench update --reset
bench --site [sitename] migrate
bench --site [sitename] clear-cache
bench --site [sitename] clear-website-cache

Then reload and check it.

Thank You!

hi @NCP
if i am using erpnext in the browser?

Captura de pantalla 2023-07-26 184347

which gives in a loop that returns me to the form again