Webform - doctype - child doctype

I had child doctype it has three fields. I using it as a table in Parent doctype and displaying using web form.

  1. This is my child doctype and its fields, in choice i write a condition if type == multiple choice it will appear.

  2. After getting the doctype into a web form, In the content section i want to display only type and question. After clicking edit button if they choose multiple choice there it can show choice field. For displaying i don’t want display in this content.

  3. If we directly click the edit button in webform no condition is working for choice to be shown after select multiple choice from type field. After clicking the “type” field or “question” field, again i try the edit means the condition is working? how to solve it

Thank you

Can you please send screenshot of condition you wrote in Display Depends on field?

Its working. In web form i want to show two fields only? If you know the solution kindly explain it.

Thank you

Remove field from grid view by unchecked property In List View.

It works, but i have condition when the user clicks edit button and choose type == multiple choice, the choice to be shown.

if we unchecked list view this condition is not executed. Choice is not displayed. I am trying on that. I removed using
[data-fieldname=“choice”] {
display: none;
Here also i want to show the choice using exist condition. I will try…
thank you mam for the reply