I have a doctype(Early Invite) & a webform for that doctype created & publish,
In Development mode: when I try to open the webform page(localhost:8003/early-invite) the page opens fine In Production mode: when I try to open the webform page(localhost:8003/early-invite) the page throws a 403 error and displays: ‘Not permitted’ with the ‘Login’ button
In development mode: I’ve given permission to ‘Early Invite’ doctype only to the system user and it works fine
In Production mode: I’ve tried giving all(CRUD) access to the Guest in ‘Early Invite’ doctype but I’m still seeing that 403 forbidden issue
what else should I do?
any inputs, please
Development mode: is tested in my local machine
Production mode: i take the backup of the site from my local machine and restore the site in the production machine/EC2.
not sure if this workflow would have any impact?