Webpages created by Go1 CMS for multi-domain for a single database service

While struggling with installation, I found that if I use the same database, I can run multiple website URLs with a single database, but contents were the same. Since further customization for entry page was not possible, I gave up.

But today I found that Go1 CMS from Frappe cloud allows me to assign different domain for each newly built webpage.

I am just wondering if anyone has tried that option. My desired situation is

  • The same database
  • Different entry webpages (sub-domain or even different domain)
  • Differenciated contents service by user permissions.

In other words, I would like to have multi tenancy with a single database.
It would be a bonus to have rich design for each entry webpage, just a single Social Auth button would be enough for my case.

If the same idea can be achieved without Go1 CMS that would be much better, but I am willing to explore.