Website About us, images uploaded as private and can't change the image url

I’m using the latest version of frappe ( 15 ) and its website module, I have some issue with it
1-Reach text editor in About us Settings has option to upload images but there is no option to select images from library, the main issue here is uploaded images is private by default, so user can’t see images directly uploaded by text editor, I change the image from Private to Public, but it changes the URL of images and editor doesn’t have ability to edit HTML code or change the image src, how can I manage this issue? is this possible to change default status of images to public or can I change the editor ?

2- default contact form in Contact Us settings, has the field for forward the filled forms to email. also I setup default email accounts for Sending Email, but I didn’t get any notification from the form when visitor complete it, Which is wrong?

Thank you