Website Generator

Hi all,
I am trying to bring data from a customized doctype to website.
From other post I cam to know that,

To enable show_in_website I will have to:

Inherit WebsiteGenerator in the class (see item.py5)
Create a generator template file (see item.html6)
Mark that the doctype has a generator in (See hooks.py6)

Ok. But still I didn’t understand the code inside
can anybody help me by making it clear what the below 2 line of code means…

website_route_rules = [
	{"from_route": "/orders", "to_route": "Sales Order"},
	{"from_route": "/orders/<path:name>", "to_route": "order",
		"defaults": {
			"doctype": "Sales Order",
			"parents": [{"title": _("Orders"), "name": "orders"}]

Plz help me…

from where the <path:name> get defined!