Website made with ERPNext

Hi guys!

I wish everyone is going fine!

It’s being great busy days!

I’m here to share, our website made with ERPNext!

It’s in it’s final revisions phase!

We are proud that we didn’t used any external library or template!

It’s purely made in ERPNext with Frappé website builder :tada::tada::tada:

Our designer Rafael is really not from that world, and the whole team engaged to bring his idea alive, so because they hard work, dedication and passion with ERPNext, I think the best is share it here, to show ERPNext website builder at it full capabilities!


Great Work Max

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Whaooo. Thank you for sharing.

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Congratulation Max!

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looks nice Max!

You might want to have this updated or removed so you don’t have to remember to update. Or Automate with YYYY :slight_smile:

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@wojosc It’s a bit unrelated, this!

That website in question will be refactored soon

Hi Guys!
I’m here again to share another website made with ERPNext

We are working on the mobile layouts, so small issues can be experienced on mobile experience.

This website is made completely in ERPNext, using the Builtin Website Builder

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Really nice, thanks for sharing!

By the way, our website is also frappe-based. We didn’t hire a designer but took a premade bootstrap theme and spilt it up into reusable web templates.

@rmeyer is the same behavior we have here, the unique difference, is that we have an designer on our team.

So, all websites uses exactly same template, but didnt look like.

Great work!!!

how do u get it to work with these external logins?

@usmanalikhan via Social Login Keys!