Website user cannot request quote

Good day - Am having trouble with users requesting quotations on website.

User can sign in, log in and add an item to cart.

But when they get to their cart, and click on Request for Quote they get this:

Not Permitted


Their account is created as a Website User and they are already logged in.

Do I need to add some permissions for Website User?

ERPNext: v13.13.0 (version-13)

Frappe Framework: v13.13.0 (version-13)



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As a follow up - I see when they click Request for Quote, the quote is actually made, and on the quotation list when viewed on desk, so I’m not sure what the next step is that they are not permitted to see?


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I’m experiencing the same. I think the workaround is to add the Customer role to the website user and add an additional document type of Quotation to the role.

Open the Role Permission Manager, Select Quotation from the Select Document Type dropdown, Select the appropriate role to add it to. Once added - PLEASE BE SURE TO SELECT the Only If Creator option (otherwise the user can see all quotations)

Hi eleben, I am facing the exact same issue in ERPNext version 14, and tried to do what you said, but I’m still facing the issue.

I logged in as a sstem user with all roles, and have created a new user as a website user, then i added the customer and website user roles to it, then i clicked on profile picture icon in top right corner, and clicked on reload to clear cache, then I logged in again as the newly created website user, but the issue still persists. It still shows a Not Permitted popup when clicking on Request for quote.

I’d highly appreciate any help in this matter.


Just to confirm you opened Role Permission Manager and selected Quotation from the Document Type dropdown to add Read access?

I didn’t validated this is working on v14.

I figured out the issue at least in my case…when a website user comes in and registers their account they come in as a lead…look at your quotation they submit


the code that determines permissions is looking for party_name:
(erpnext/erpnext/controllers/ at develop · frappe/erpnext · GitHub)


in this example the party_name is equal to LEAD-00124


which means it doesn’t match the permission test

After changing the Quotation To field to “Customer” and Lead field to desired “user” the permission error goes away and the quotation information is shown in the Portal

@rohit_pai Looks like a simple workaround without any code changes:

Set the Default Role at Time of Signup to be Customer under Website-> Portal Settings

After the request for quotation is selected on the checkout page, the quotation will be visible. I have the following set within “e commerce” settings:

Save Quotations as Draft

so if you notice the URL will contain the actual quotation name/number (ex https://siteurl/quotations/QTN-01052) for a filter and will not be visible after leaving the page even if using the navigation/breadcrum menu for Quotations

This Quotations and other navigation items will only show items in a submitted state.