Welcome email content change


When I create a new user, at that time the welcome email is sent. So Can I get the format of it without access to the backend?

Thanks in advance

You can disable the welcome email and use notification instead.

So, when a new user is created, they will receive the mail you configure from the notification.

But the problem is that in Welcome Email the link to set the password is given but I cannot set it in the notification.

Did you manage to get this functionality??? I would like to customize the welcome email. It seems to be a very basic functionality.

Hi, I stablished my new ERPNext account and created new user but after registering user didn’t receive email to create login credential.

Can anyone suggest what to do ?

Virendra Maurya

Did you set up the email account? If yes, then please check it properly and set it as default out going.

yes you can from system setting email templates for welcome email , you have to set a email template for welcome email and link it to in system setting

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Yes, in the 15th version now that functionality is updated.

Yes, I try use a custom email template for Welcome email for a new Users (in the 15th version). But I have a problem with a Jinja field like {{last_name}} (or anyone else from User doc type). The problem is: In the the email which a new user receive this field has value ‘Administrator’, not the correct ‘last_name’ for new user. Is anyone has a same problem and decision? Please help!

Hi @mayamihaylova:

You can use directly just this data:


This fields are sent to the template from send_welcome_mail_to_user method.

But … with some Jinja witchery you can get what you want.
Try this on your mail template.

{% set user_doc = frappe.get_doc("User", user) %}
Hi {{ user_doc.last_name }} . I am here. Where are you?

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much! This works!

You can manage to customize the welcome email by creating new email template and set in System Settings.

You can reuse this html in creating new template> frappe/templates/emails/new_user.html


how to disable welcome mail in frappe 15 ?

thanks in advance