What is the best way to custmozie erpnext module

I am aware of frappe and I can add doctype and I can customize it in client and server. So, I want to customize ERPnext module example sales order doctype. I want to add some javascript code in the sales order doctype. I followed the below steps

  1. I created a custom app
  2. I installed ERPnext app
  3. In sales order doctype I changed module as my custom module after that I can see sales order doctype in the custom app.
  4. I changed the sales order module back to selling.
  5. I started ending in the js file and I can’t see any changes

Please help me what is the exact process to do this type of customization.


You can add your custom javascript using the Custom Script inside the system. CTRL + G, type in Custom Script and choose to create New.

There you can select where to inject the custom script, I believe it’d be Sales Order, and write your script and save.

Good luck.

Thanks IMoshi

But followed another way. I created js file in public folder and i added in hooks.py like below
doctype_js = {“Sales Order” : “public/js/sales_order.js”}
