What is the error in my SQL?

I have found this code on SQL Union

for item in frappe.db.sql("""select distinct item_code from (
            select name as item_code from `tabItem` where ifnull(is_stock_item, 'Yes')='Yes'
            select distinct item_code from tabBin) a"""):

And it is running perfectly, but when I try to replace it with my sql code it always says:

Server Error: Please check your server logs or contact tech support.
My SQL Code:

for product_name,quantity in frappe.db.sql("""select product_name,quantity from (
            select product_name,quantity from `tabProduct Details Lane1` where parent='SO00194'
            select product_name,quantity from `tabProduct Details Lane2` where parent='SO00194') a"""):

Can anyone suggest, what I am missing?

Ruchin Sharma

what’s the error, have a look at logs/frappe.log under frappe-bench folder

Every time it says :
Server Error: Please check your server logs or contact tech support.
