What is the path of code of client script in files

where is the path of it i want to edit the client script from vscode not form system

Hey @manal_erpnext,

If you create a client script for the system, it may not reflect in your code. First, you need to export it. To do so, mention it in hooks.py like this:

fixtures = [
    "Client Script",
    {"doctype": "Sales Invoice"},

After that, run bench export-fixtures. If you need to modify a specific doctype through VS Code, you can use the doctype’s internal files mentioned in the doctype directory, such as .js, .py, and .json files.

If you need to apply a client script on a doctype list view, you can create it in this way:

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Hello @manal_erpnext

In the backend each doctype have three code files

  1. .js (Javascript file this file is client script)
  2. .py (Python file this file is server script)
  3. .json (this file contain the json of fields and doctype setting)

when i wrote my custom script in client script for any doctype of erpnext app and export it to my custom app this what i mean

thanks for that i think i could find the solution here and take a lot of info

lots of threads in the forum so you can easily find :wink: : How to Export Custom created solution to import on another system - #2 by NCP