where is the path of it i want to edit the client script from vscode not form system
Hey @manal_erpnext,
If you create a client script for the system, it may not reflect in your code. First, you need to export it. To do so, mention it in hooks.py like this:
fixtures = [
"Client Script",
{"doctype": "Sales Invoice"},
After that, run bench export-fixtures
. If you need to modify a specific doctype through VS Code, you can use the doctype’s internal files mentioned in the doctype directory, such as .js, .py, and .json files.
If you need to apply a client script on a doctype list view, you can create it in this way:
Hello @manal_erpnext
In the backend each doctype have three code files
- .js (Javascript file this file is client script)
- .py (Python file this file is server script)
- .json (this file contain the json of fields and doctype setting)
when i wrote my custom script in client script for any doctype of erpnext app and export it to my custom app this what i mean
thanks for that i think i could find the solution here and take a lot of info
lots of threads in the forum so you can easily find : How to Export Custom created solution to import on another system - #2 by NCP