What is website name erpnext users use to access from them browsers

what is website name erpnext users use to access from them browsers
i did st up erpnext and the Oracle VM VirtualBox and started company
also i did setup users
now how these users can access and use erpnext from them computer ?

is this a local setup? if yes then I think you should access it by ip

thanks john
how can i access by ip ?/


Please check the https://erpnext.com/download.

You can access the site using http://localhost:8080


Thanks, Makarand
already i did that
i am asking how to access from other computer?

ex. if your computer’s IP is and your localhost port is 8000 then you can access it by

Check your host computer IP number - where you installed the VIrtualBox:
Windows: cmd → ipconfig
Ubuntu : ctrl+alt+t → ifconfig

Then IPnumber:8080 from your Other computer

Hope it helps

thank u very much john i got it

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thank u very much krnkris i got it

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