Whatever value i put in a field, it should create the child table with same column name

Have a Look. I putting a values in this field.

So what i want, a dynamic child table gets created with a column name
S , S-XL

Can you please help me in this requirement. I am not finding solution for this.

Hi @Aditya_vig1:

Working with doctype child tables each column on the table represents one database column.

You could use html field, javascript to add to it a datatable, not “connected” with the doctype table, and render table with data dynamically as your requirement, fetching data from your backend. Anyway, this kind of customization is not easily doable without some programming knowledge …

Explore the component GitHub - frappe/datatable: The Missing Javascript Datatable for the Web and how it is being used on frappe and erpnext, like here:

Hope this helps.

thank you for providing this. I’ll go through this and try it for my requirement.