When does hotfix commits merge to stable branch


I have this problem of unnecessary invoices getting created even though the current invoice is paid for a subscription. I also know that the solution is present on version-12-hotfix branch.

I would like to know the policy of how these hot fixes end up on to stable branch.

User have to make pull request directly to hot fixes branch only as a ERPNext standard.
After testing the hot-fix branch, if there is no issue with it then hot fix branch will get merge it master branch.

If you still want to use the hot-fixes changes before it’s get merged with master branch then you can do it at your risk using following commands:

Step1: Go to you Frappe or ERPNext app.
Step2: git fetch upstream
Step3: git pull upstream
Step4: bench run-patch
Step5: bench migrate

Hi @mujeerhashmi

Trust you’re doing well. We are encountering a similar issue after migrating to V12. Many unnecessary and superfluous invoices are getting created automatically

Could you please explain how you know there’s a patch in the hotfix branch and/or a link to the relevant Issue/PR


Here is the fix commit


then there is another one



I would like somebody from the erpnext foundation to answer what is the frequency of version-12-hotfix getting merged to version-12 if at all it does merge. From the commits i see that v12-pre-release getting merged often. I would like to understand how the integration works.
The hotfix like these are expected to be merged as soon as possible.

Sorry, @nabinhait had to tag you. I would like to know how do we manage such hotfixes in production.

Thank you for the detailed post. You have stated that critical and security fixes will be merged on demand. I hope this forum is also the right place for making the request. The first fix mentioned in this thread is critical for any business managing subscriptions.

If you think otherwise what is the best way to manage such fixes rather than living with the bug for at most a month. I mean will it be appropriate to cherry pick and revert before updating for the next release. Need your guidance.