When I try to import file .csv give me this error !?

Error Message

bench set-config -g enable-scheduler 1

Enable the scheduler after import data.
Run this command in local because scheduler is disabled.

You mean to run this command then try to import file again?

Run this command and retry to import

Hi, you need to run the following command in the terminal where you have installed the erpnext:

bench set-config -g enable-scheduler 1

// OR

bench --site your-sitename.com set-config -g enable-scheduler 1

Then, stop or restart the bench.

Next, migrate the site:

bench migrate

// OR

bench --site your-sitename.com migrate

Finally, import it and check if everything is working.

How can I restart the bench ???

Give me the same error!!

you are run this command ?

Give me the same issue!?

Sorry, run this command

bench set-config enable-scheduler 1

The same!!

bench migrate

Run this command

Another Option

bench (folder)/sites (folder)/sitename (folder)/site_config.json (file)

set “enable-scheduler”: 1, this and after bench migrate and after try to import